
Social Quality Web

The book "Creating a World Without Poverty" by Muhammad Yunus defines social enterprise as a dynamic means of solving economic, political, social and environmental problems. This private-sector approach has been developed by the Grameen Bank and many other organizations in its environment and is now a proven, successful scheme. It is applicable worldwide - even in rich countries.

The development of quality criteria and of the regionally adapted definition of poverty is especially important now. All other points can be resolved simply by applying the recipies from the book.

To collect and discuss the quality criteria and the regionally adapted definitions, we can use sqwww.blogspot.com immediately.
We want to build a social business, which eventually shall become capable to offer quality certifications in the field of social enterprise. The initiator of this site can offer the URL www.sqw.ch for this purpose.
NEW on 8.5.2009: The Project for Social Quality has begun !

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